SCHOOL ID : 301190

Project Title: Students’ Opportunities and Support (SOS)
Problem Statement:
Every school year, it is inevitable to encounter students with difficulty in understanding the subjects especially in Mathematics, Science, and English. Also, they have lack of support interms of financial to sustain their needs like daily allowance, gadgets, and other learning resources to cope with the demands of education in times of pandemic. As indicated in SMEA report of final academic assessment for two consecutive School Years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, there are 377 (3.09%) and 282 (2.91%) students who did not meet the expectation or getting below 75% in all learning areas using different learning modalities, respectively. With these results, educators must find ways to help and encourage those struggling learners in addressing the learning gaps by offering an appropriate intervention program that will develop them holistically and increase their achievement. Effective teaching strategies can be used to support their needs for learning improvement like individualized instruction, differentiated instruction, video instruction, small group
instruction, peer teaching, reward scheme, and others. Furthermore, seeking the support of the internal and external stakeholders are necessary for the successful implementationof this project.
Project Objective Statement:
1. Cater struggling learners in different learning areas;
2. Encourage stakeholders’ support;
3. Enhance intervention materials for students’ needs
4. Improve students’ achievement; and
5. Monitor and evaluate the result of implementation.
Root Cause:
Students’ difficulty to read, comprehend, and calculate
Complexity of topics in different learning areas
Enhancement of Intervention Materials
Lack of students’ motivation and financial support
Minimal support of parents and other stakeholders
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix